Call Us Today! (864) 680-2875

Proudly serving Spartanburg, SC and the surrounding area since 1998

About Us

Are you more tired on Monday than on Friday, since you spent the whole weekend cleaning? Did you have to get takeout more than once this week since there was no time to cook? Have you given up on entertaining because you can't get your home together?

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, you need to call us immediately.

We are women understanding the needs of women. That's why were are "Maid 4 U".

We're not a luxury, we're are a necessity! You can't afford not to use a cleaning service! Call us today.

We Proudly Offer:

  • General Cleaning, Detail Cleaning, Full or Partial Cleaning
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • We also do office cleaning.
  • Commercial